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Emergency Alerts

UNC Emergency Alert is a mass notification system that allows the university to simultaneously issue campus alerts to computer desktops, text messages to personal cell phones, and email to UNC email addresses during an emergency. The system, called Rave Alert and provided by Massachusetts-based Rave Mobile Safety , will supplement the university’s existing Web, electronic and telephone emergency communications.

Emergencies include critical, urgent and disruptive incidents. Examples of when alerts would be issued include, but aren’t limited to:

  • An imminent threat involving UNC Police or other public safety authorities
  • Tornado warnings and other severe weather
  • Campus and building closures, and utility outages

Faculty, staff and students sign up for the service. Students have signed up when registering for classes at new student orientation, and returning students who have already registered have been invited to sign up when accessing their e-mail for the first time. Faculty and staff sign up by logging in to Ursa.

Signing up for alerts


Students can sign up by entering the number for their text-capable cell phone when prompted during the Ursa and BearMail account activation process, or by logging in to Ursa, clicking on the My Account tab and entering the number for their text-capable cell phone in the UNC Emergency Alert box.


Faculty and staff should log on to Ursa and click the

”My Account” tab. Find the Emergency Alert panel, enter your cell phone number and click the “Save Changes” button.  A “Your changes have been saved successfully.” message will appear in the panel to indicate your sign-up is complete. Phone numbers can be changed using the same procedure.

Rave Guardian App

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Guardian App Apple Download

Guardian App Google Download

Download the Rave Guardian App to provide an extra layer of security for yourself and others.

  • Adds another delivery method for UNC Emergency Alerts
  • Speed dial to UNC Police Department*
  • Text non-emergent crime tips to UNC Police Department*
  • Text communication to UNC Police for our deaf and hard of hearing students and staff*
  • Timers to have friends or family watch over you while walking on or off campus
  • Important phone and web contact info for other campus departments
  • Guardian Safety profile to let first responders know about pre existing medical conditions and emergency contacts.

To sign up for the app you must first add your emergency alert phone number in your ursa account, after 24 hours you can download it from your app store and use the same phone number to link it to your UNC Emergency Alert information. 

*If location services are active using these options will also give UNC Police your location data for the duration fo the call or text chat to further assist officers in assisting callers.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the UNC Emergency Alert?

    The UNC Emergency Alert is a multi-layered approach for communicating campus emergencies and campus safety. It allows the university to simultaneously issue campus alerts by computer desktop, e-mail and text messages during an emergency. It supplements the university’s existing Web and other emergency communications.

  • When will alerts be sent?

    For emergencies and disruptive incidents only. Brief messages would include basic information and direct recipients to the university’s emergency website  at http://emergency.xiaoneizhi.com for more information. Examples of when alerts would be issued include, but aren’t limited to:

    • An imminent threat involving UNC Police or other public safety authorities
    • Tornado warnings and other severe weather
    • Campus and building closures, and utility outages
    • To test the system at the beginning of fall and spring semester and the summer session.
  • How will I be notified?

    By phone to emergency contact numbers provided by faculty, staff and students using text message campus e-mail accounts (xiaoneizhi.com for faculty/staff and bears.xiaoneizhi.com for students), and desktop alerts sent to all on campus university computers.

  • If there is an emergency situation, how long will it take to receive the message?

    In the event of an emergency, messages will be sent simultaneously through desktop, e-mail and text messaging. There are several factors that determine the time of delivery. For example, if there are utility outages or high call volumes, messages can be delayed. The intent is to reach campus through at least one of the paths (desktop, e-mail or text).

  • Who sends the alert messages? What’s displayed in the sender line?

    UNC Police sends the messages with the following sender line information:

    • An imminent threat involving UNC Police or other public safety authorities
    • Tornado warnings and other severe weather
    • Campus and building closures, and utility outages
    • Text messages: Phone number varies.
    • Emails: unco@getrave.com  - Please add this email address to your safe senders list.
  • How do I sign up?

    Students can sign up by entering the number for their text-capable cell phone when prompted during the Ursa and BearMail account activation process, or by logging in to Ursa (http://ursa.xiaoneizhi.com), clicking on the My Account tab and entering the number for their text-capable cell phone in the UNC Emergency Alert panel.

    Faculty and staff should log on to Ursa, click the My Account tab and complete the fields in the UNC Emergency Alert panel.

  • How will I receive confirmation?

    The Emergency Alert system will send you an acknowledgment of your status after you sign up (T-Mobile customers will need to respond to the message to subscribe to UNC Emergency Alert.) The confirmation will say: “UNC Emergency Alert:You are set to receive txt alerts per acct settings. For more info reply “HELP”. To opt out reply “STOP” Msg&data rates may apply.”

    If you don't receive a confirmation, you can go to Ursa and verify your registration under the Student tab for students or Employee tab for faculty and staff.

  • What’s the cost to me?

    The service is free. Cell phone providers may charge a text-messaging fee.

  • What if I inadvertently reply "Stop" after receiving a text message?

    Send a text message to 226787 with "START" in the message to sign back up.

    You will receive a confirmation message stating that you have re-subscribed to the text messages.

  • How do I opt-out?

    You may opt-out at any time by texting “STOP” to the last received message.

  • What if I opted-out but later decide I would like to opt in again?

    You may opt in to receive text messages by texting “START” in the message to 226787.

  • If my cell phone number changes, how do I update my contact information?

    Students should log on to Ursa and click on Student tab to edit their contact information in the UNC Emergency Alert box. Faculty and staff can go to Ursa, click the Employee tab and change their information in the Emergency Alert box.

  • What if my cell phone provider changes?

    As long as your phone number doesn’t change, you don’t have to do anything.

  • I'm receiving UNC Emergency Alerts in error and have no affiliation with the university. How do I opt out?

    Please contact us at 970-351-4357 or technical.support@xiaoneizhi.com to have your contact information removed from the database.

  • Who uses this service?

    The service, called Rave Alert, is used across a number of sectors including by colleges, universities and K-12 schools.

  • How will my information be used?

    Solely for the purpose of contacting you during a campus emergency. It will not be shared for any other purpose.

  • What if I don’t provide my cell phone number?

    You will still receive alerts to your UNC affiliated e-mail address, but we highly recommend signing up for the text messages to be sure you are provided with any emergency information in a timely matter. The cell phone number provided is solely used for the purpose of contacting you during a campus emergency. It will not be shared for any other purpose.

  • Why should I verify my campus directory phone number and direct office phone number?

    Verifying those numbers will facilitate communication with you in the event of a known emergency situation on or off campus that impacts only you. An example would be an emergency involving one of your family members and the only information available about who to contact is that you’re a UNC employee.

  • If I’m a parent, can I receive the alerts?

    Parents, conference attendees, and other community members that wish to receive alerts can sign up for a 1 month temporary subscription by texting UNCALERT to 226787. You will receive a message confirming your enrollment to UNC Alerts. After 1 month you will receive a message saying your subscription has ended, at that time you can respond with UNCALERT again to enroll for another month.

  • Where can I send feedback?

    Send an e-mail with your comments to alert.feedback@xiaoneizhi.com.